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    Summer Camp & Oltrepò


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    Summer Camp & Oltrepò

    Summer Camp in Oltrepo Pavese

    It seems far away, but summer is just around the corner.
    It is the period in which children and teenagers are free from the commitments of school, but it is of great benefit that they can spend a few weeks in a Summer Camp .

    Oltrepò is the ideal destination! Why?

    For those looking for Summer Camp in Lombardy, the climate on the hills of Oltrepò Pavese is decidedly cool and you can breathe good air, the ideal destination to escape the summer heat.
    As if that were not enough, some of the summer camps in our area also offer activities in contact with nature and animals, sports activities or other interesting occupations.

    In addition to the many oratories or summer camps run by local Pro Loco that provide a very useful daytime service in the summer months at the end of the school year, here are some Summer Camps located in Oltrepò.

    Agriturismo La Torretta

    In Borgo Priolo , near Casteggio, Agriturismo La Torretta offers children the opportunity to participate in workshops designed to create a strong connection with nature, including animals, and manual activities such as making homemade jam.

    Images taken from the Agriturismo La Torretta website

    Tennis Federal Center

    In Brallo di Pregola , the historic Federal Tennis Centre becomes a Summer Camp from June to August.

    Images taken from the Facebook page Il Brallo sports center

    Children and teenagers have the opportunity to experience a couple of weeks full of emotions and sports, thanks to the wide range of activities planned: tennis of course, then volleyball, basketball, handball, soccer, beach volleyball and padel.

    To complete the offer, there are excursions and entertainment managed by qualified personnel who organize moments of fun.

    Cascina Serzego

    Also in Cascina Serzego, in Ponte Nizza, allows children to stay for a week in the hills, being in contact with nature and enjoying the refreshment of the swimming pool.

    Images taken from the Cascina Serzego website

    Places are often limited, so it’s a good idea not to wait until the last minute to sign up.

    The Summer Camps 2024 are what we once called summer camps.

    With the whole range of recreational, sports and recreational activities – surrounded by greenery, in contact with animals, with hands-on cooking in some cooking workshop or trying out some sports or language courses – we can say that today’s Summer Camps are the modern and updated version of traditional summer camps, “2.0 camps“, in which tradition, however, always remains the guiding light that educates and teaches sociality, learning, manual skills, contact with nature and, often, the good habit of zero-mile foods is also recovered.

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