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    The Grotto of San Ponzo: a place full of mystery in the Oltrepò Pavese


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    The Grotto of San Ponzo: a place full of mystery in the Oltrepò Pavese

    Grotte di San Ponzo

    There are several natural places to visit in Oltrepò Pavese.

    One of these is represented by the caves of San Ponzo and the nearby Giaciglio del Santo:

    Two caves that are located not far from Ponte Nizza, in San Ponzo Semola. They were dug by water infiltrations over millions of years and have been known since the Middle Ages for the discovery of the holy hermit’s bed, from which the cave and the nearby village take their name. A spring flows from the first cave . The cavity is about 12 meters wide and 7 meters deep.

    It is fully included among the “Luoghi del Cuore del Fai (Italian Environment Fund)“. A fascinating and mysterious place, also thanks to its isolation.

    To visit it, the best to wear are comfortable clothing and shoes.

    Not far awayyou will find the town of San Ponzo Semola: an enchanting village, with stone houses and flower-filled balconies among the narrow streets, almost a timeless place.

    Many are the faithful who go to the cave and visit the village, especially on May 14, on the occasion of his feast. A few kilometers away is Cecima, another medieval village with stone houses and narrow alleys. These are places to visit in a day, enjoying the beauty of the surrounding nature and of these small villages that, solid as the stone of which the walls of their houses are made, keep alive the memory of the past, continuing to make it current.

    Where to eat near the Grotto of San Ponzo in the Oltrepò?

    Obviously, after this walk in Oltrepò Pavese, a stop for food is a must, in San Ponzo or Cecima.

    Here are some restaurants in the area:

    Enjoy your trip and bon appetit!

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