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    Upcoming events

    25 October 2024
    Art and Culture / Food & Wine

    Fiera dell’agricoltura

    Event-Date Pietra De’ Giorgi
    26 / 27 Oct 2024
    Outdoor Activities / Motors

    Oltrepo’ Treffen 2024

    Event-Date Menconico
    26 October 2024
    Art and Culture / Outdoor Activities

    Immagina, gioca e scopri in lingua inglese

    Event-Date Montebello della Battaglia
    27 October 2024
    Art and Culture / Food & Wine

    Festa D’Autunno

    Event-Date Rivanazzano Terme
    27 October 2024
    Music and Entertainment / Food & Wine

    Il borgo si colora di Autunno

    Event-Date Fortunago
    27 October 2024
    Art and Culture

    Halloween Movie

    Event-Date Montebello della Battaglia
    27 October 2024
    Outdoor Activities / Others

    Gara dimostrativa cani da ricerca Tartufi

    Event-Date Rivanazzano Terme
    27 October 2024
    Themed evening / Others

    Torneo Festa D’autunno 2024

    Event-Date Rivanazzano Terme
    27 October 2024
    Music and Entertainment / Food & Wine

    Sunday night – jazz and wine

    Event-Date Casteggio
    27 October 2024
    Music and Entertainment / Themed evening


    Event-Date Voghera
    31 October 2024
    Themed evening

    Halloween Party

    Event-Date Rivanazzano Terme
    31 October 2024
    Art and Culture / Themed evening

    Halloween Party

    Event-Date Branduzzo
    31 October 2024
    Themed evening / Others

    Halloween Party

    Event-Date Casatisma
    31 October 2024

    Iria Incontra

    Event-Date Voghera
    3 November 2024
    Outdoor Activities

    Immersi nel Foliage

    Event-Date Pietragavina
    10 November 2024
    Art and Culture / Food & Wine

    Festa Patronale di Torrazza Coste

    Event-Date Torrazza Coste
    28 November 2024

    Iria Incontra

    Event-Date Voghera
    30 Nov / 1 Dec 2024
    Art and Culture / Food & Wine

    Fiera dell’artigianato artistico e alimentare

    Event-Date Codevilla
    26 December 2024
    Food & Wine / Others

    Polentata Benefica

    Event-Date Varzi