Can you eat vegan food in Oltrepò Pavese?
In San Ponzo Semola, in the Comune di Ponte Nizza, Locanda Vegana La Cena di Pitagora offers vegan cuisine, indoors in the beautiful room or outdoors under the pergola, if the weather allows it.

Cover image from the website of Locanda Vegana La Cena di Pitagora – Other images from the Facebook page
This vegan restaurant in Oltrepo Pavese offers a menu based on pasta, gnocchi, “vegetable cheeses”, bread, soups, broths, flans, risottos, dried fruit, aromatic herbs, seeds and legumes. There is no shortage of desserts such as tarts, crumbles, brownies and delicious apple fritters.
Just past the Po River, we meet the Azienda Agr. Alledo di Bianchi Andrea , in Spessa Po .
It produces rice, packages with risotto with herbs, vegetables and mushrooms: vegan products for sale.

Voghera, on the other hand, is the destination for those with a sweet tooth: surfers head straight for
Pasticceria El Teresito , to sit down for a breakfast of vegan sweets in the bar located right in the city centre, or to order a vegan cake.
Of course, upon request, some traditional restaurants can also prepare dishes for those who want to eat vegan, as in the case of
Cascina Casareggio in Fortunago.

Image taken from the Cascina Casareggio Facebook page.
Vegan dishes from appetizers to desserts : not yet widespread but … even in Oltrepò, attention towards this type of cuisine is not lacking.